YousafZai Pashto Bible - Pakistani Dialect
کِتابِ مقدس د پاکستان په (يوسفزئ) پښتو کښې
$ 18.00

Bulk Rates: Pack of 16 $ 273.60, Pack of 48 $ 777.60
Language: Pashto - Pakistan
There are over 50 million Pashtuns in Pakistan, Afghanistan and the diaspora. The majority is living along the Pakistan-Afghan border. The Pashto Yousafzai dialect is widely spoken and understood in Pakistan. There has not been a full Bible in their language for over 130 years. The last 25 years we only had the 1996 version of the New Testament in a mix of Pakistani and Afghan Pashto.
Special presentation copy with gilded-edged pages is available. See PPPB-0536.
- Beautiful cover design
- Including concordance, 2 ribbons
- Hardcover 122mm x 183 mm
- 2200 Pages
PPPB-0534 ISBN: 978969250923