101 Bible Stories
Pashto - Pakistan
- For children aged 8-12
- In Biblical order
- No illustrations

25 Favourite Bible Stories
Pashto - Pakistan
- Bible stories for children
- Simple language
- Interactive questions

25 Favourite Bible Stories
Pashto - Afghanistan
- Reprint April 2022
- Bible stories for children
- Simple language
- Interactive questions

25 Favourite Bible Stories
- Bible stories for children
- Simple language
- Interactive questions

50 Reasons to Believe
Pashto - Pakistan
- The meaning of Jesus Christ's death
- What did Jesus' death achieve for sinners like us
- 50 answers / reasons

Afghan Christian Calendar 1404
Dari, Pashto
- Nice pictures, Bible verses, poetry, links
- Theme: New Season
- February 2025 - April 2026
- Shipping starts December 2nd

Afghan Pashto Children's Bible - "My First Bible"
Pashto - Afghanistan
- For children aged 5-8
- Introduces children to the great people and important themes of the Bible
- Each story ends with a question

Afghan Pashto - Holy Torah - Nangahari Dialect
Pashto - Afghanistan
- Nangahari Pashto
- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
- Dark blue PVC plain cover

Afghan Pashto - Luke & Acts with glossary
Pashto - Afghanistan
- New September 2021
- Luke, Acts with glossary
- Pocket size 100 x 150
- Bright blue cover with gold writing

Afghan Pashto New Testament - Deluxe Edition
Pashto - Afghanistan
- NEW August 2023
- NT with glossary & maps
- Deluxe version - gold gilding
- Pocket size 120x 180

Afghan Pashto New Testament - NEW!
Pashto - Afghanistan
- NEW August 2023
- Size 120 x 180 mm
- With glossary and maps
- Bright blue cover with gold writing

Afghan Pashto NT Protective Cover - 1
Pashto - Afghanistan
- Protective cover
- For Afghan Pashto NT
- Blue with golden band
- Paper dust jacket

Afghan Pashto NT Protective Cover - 2
Pashto - Afghanistan
- Protective cover
- For Afghan Pashto NT
- Blue with light blue star
- Paper dust jacket

Afghan Pashto - Psalms, Proverbs & Ecclesiastes
Pashto - Afghanistan
- Psalms, Proverbs & Ecclesiastes
- New translation
- Dark blue cover with gold writing

Ambassador for Christ

Apostles' Creed
- Doctrinal guide
- Phrases of the Apostles' Creed explained
- Scripture references

Apostles' Creed
Pashto - Pakistan
- Doctrinal guide
- Phrases of the Apostles' Creed explained
- Scripture references

Applied New Testament Commentary
- For Iranian and Afghan believers
- Verse-by-verse commentary on each New Testament Book
- Interdenominational

Bartemaeus - New Testament Story
Pashto - Afghanistan
- For children aged 5-10
- Coloured illustrations
- First in a set

Basic Bible Teaching
Pashto - Pakistan
- For children or illiterate adults
- Key Bible stories
- Colour illustrations

Book of Morning and Evening Prayers
- For families living in the Islamic world
- Basic Christian teaching
- For different professions and situations
- 650 Scripture references

Child Raising
- A guide for parents on bringing up children in a Christian home
- Advice on how to discipline, encourage, punish and motivate their children

Children's 4 New Testament Story Set
Pashto - Afghanistan
- For children aged 5-10
- Bartemaeus, Jesus & His disciples
- Good Samaritan, Jesus & The Storm
- Coloured illustrations

Coloring book Afghan Pashto/English
Pashto, English
- Great for children's ministry
- Free download
- Scriptures in Pashto and English

Coloring book Dari/English
Dari, English
- Great for children's ministry
- Free download
- Scriptures in Dari and English

Coming King
Pashto - Pakistan
- New Testament prophecies
- Jesus' teaching on judgement and His Kingdom
- Who is ready for His coming?

Crucified Flower (The story of Zia Nodrat)
- Life story of a well-known blind Afghan believer
- His story is an example for many

Cry of Blood
- For the situation in Afghanistan
- Consequences of shedding innocent blood, including Jesus' blood
- Scripture, poetry and real-life accounts

Cry of Blood
- For the situation in Afghanistan
- Consequences of shedding innocent blood, including Jesus' blood
- Scripture, poetry and real-life accounts

Daily Light
- Scripture passages around a theme
- Mornings, evenings and special days
- Translation of Samuel Bagster's "Daily Light on the Daily Path"

Daily Strength
Pashto - Pakistan
- Devotional booklet
- 31 days - 4 Bible verses per day
- 3 Psalms and the Lord's Prayer

Daily Strength
- Devotional booklet
- 31 days - 4 Bible verses per day
- 3 Psalms and the Lord's Prayer

Dari Bible - hardback cover - TDV08 version
- Hardback burgundy cover
- Today's Dari Version 2008
- 12 colorful maps and 2 ribbons
- 122mm x 180mm

Dari Bible - PVC cover - TDV08 version
- April 2022 Reprint
- Soft PVC dark red plain cover, 2 ribbons
- Today's Dari Version 2008
- 118mm x 177mm

Dari Children's Bible - "My First Bible"
- Reprint Nov 2023
- For children aged 5-8
- Great people and themes of the Bible
- Each story ends with a question

Dari - English Gospel of Luke
Dari, English
- Dari text from revision project 2018
- English text from Good News version
- Easy to read
- Good for language study

Dari - German Gospel of Luke
Dari, German
- Dari text from revision project in 2016
- German text from Good News version
- Easy to read
- Size 10 x 15 cm

Dari Gospel of Luke (with glossary) - 90 grams paper
- Text from revision project in 2016
- Easy to read - good starter booklet
- Glossary with over 100 key words
- Pocket size, printed on 90 gram paper

Dari New Testament - TDV08 version
- Extra discount!
- Translation level - like Good News Bible
- NT Text from 2008 Today's Dari Version
- Card cover, 100mm x 147mm

Dari New Testament - TDV22 - Deluxe edition - NEW!
- New November 2023!
- Revised NT, size 120x180mm
- With glossary and maps
- Limited edition with gold gilded edges

Dari New Testament - TDV22 version - NEW!
- New November 2023!
- Revised NT, size 120x180mm
- With glossary and maps
- Purple hardback cover with gold writing

Dari NT - TDV22 - Protective cover - 1
- Protective cover
- For Dari NT - TDV22
- Purple with golden band

Dari NT - TDV22 - Protective cover - 2
- Protective cover
- For Dari NT - TDV22
- Purple with circle

Farsi Bible Study Guide for home church and church setting
- Bible study guide
- For homegroups or churches
- Second edition - extra study material

Fire of Revenge
Pashto - Afghanistan
- Novel based on the Ben Hur film
- Powerful message of forgiveness
- Author's own experience shared
- 27 pictures by a local artist

Forgiven Criminal
Pashto - Pakistan
- Christians are forgiven criminals
- They have a new heart, are part of Christ the true vine
- They follow Christ and love man

Forgiveness Matters
- Retelling of the Bible parable about the selfish servant
- Cartoon illustrations on each page
- Scripture references on forgiveness

Forgiveness Matters
Pashto - Pakistan
- Retelling of the Bible parable about the selfish servant
- Cartoon illustrations on each page
- Scripture references on forgiveness

Fullness of the Holy Spirit
Pashto - Pakistan
- Holy Spirit's tasks in the Bible
- Baptism in the Holy Spirit

God's Good News for You
- For Farsi-reading Muslims
- Summary of the Bible
- Cover is a painting by an Iranian artist

Good News - The Christmas Story (Dari / English)
Dari, English
- Bilingual booklet - Dari and English on facing pages
- Starts with the angel appearing to Mary
- Ends with the return to Israel

Good News - The Christmas Story (Pashto / English)
Pashto, English
- Bilingual booklet - Afghan Pashto and English on facing pages
- Starts with the angel appearing to Mary
- Ends with the return to Israel

Good Shepherd
Farsi, English
- Life of Christ in story format
- Bilingual, good English teaching aid
- Lists of words, phrases and idioms
- Ends with Psalm 23

Grace of Generosity
- Easy-to-read book on finances
- For new believers / emerging church in Middle Eastern cultures
- Touches on key issues

Hazaragi Luke
- Gospel of Luke
- Primary focus - rural Hazaras
- A6 pocket size
- Dark blue cover with gold writing

Hazaragi Proverbs
- Book of Proverbs
- Primary focus - rural Hazaras
- A6 pocket size
- Dark blue cover with gold writing

Hazaragi Psalms, Proverbs & Ecclesiastes - NEW!
- NEW August 2023
- Psalms, Proverbs & Ecclesiastes
- Hazaragi translation
- Blue cover with gold writing

His Name is Wonderful
Pashto - Pakistan
- Translation of a William Miller tract
- Christ was wonderful in life, in death etc

In The Quest of Truth
- For Farsi-reading Muslims
- Testimony of a former Indian Muslim doctor
- Quranic and Biblical references to Jesus

Is Jesus Christ the Son of God?
- For Farsi-reading Muslims
- Discusses the doctrine of the sonhood of Jesus Christ

I Will Not Kill Him!
- Fictional story of Christian courage during Roman Empire
- Heroism should resonate with Afghans
- May help believers facing persecution

Jesus Christ
- For both Dari and Farsi speakers
- Story of Jesus from His baptism to His resurrection
- Picture book format

Khaista Khan's Debt
Pashto - Pakistan
- Set in Eastern context
- About a debt too large to be cancelled
- Scriptures show we all have a debt to God and we must repent of our sin

Kindness and Purity
- Entire Gospel of John
- Verse by verse
- Set to poetry
- Written by famous Iranian scholar

Lights on Revenge
Pashto - Pakistan
- Psalm 7 - God always does right
- Do I always do right? How should I act?
- Why should I? How can I?
- Prayer for justice and forgiveness

Lights on Revenge
- Psalm 7 - God always does right
- Do I always do right? How should I act?
- Why should I? How can I?
- Prayer for justice and forgiveness

Little Book of Help
- A selection of short Scripture passages on different issues
- Worry, ambition, money
- Rest, relationships, prayer, wisdom

Little Book of Help
Pashto - Pakistan
- A selection of short Scripture passages on different issues
- Worry, ambition, money
- Rest, relationships, prayer, wisdom

Living Together
Pashto - Afghanistan
- Teaching about relationships between husband and wife
- Bible verses

Love Letters of the Apostle John
- Commentary on the Letters of John
- Written by an Iranian theologian from a Muslim background
- Great for teaching the Bible

May I Sacrifice Myself
Pashto, English
- The Easter story in Scripture and song
- Pashto and English on opposite pages
- Some Urdu and Dari
- Ends with a prayer of commitment

Message of the Tawrat, Zabur and Injil
- Booklet with 10 lessons
- To help explain the Gospel to a Muslim
- Can be used for one-to-one Bible studies

- Dialogue format of two friends talking
- Christian truths with good examples
- Christ is Lamb of God, Word of God and Sacrifice of God

Pashto - Pakistan
- Misunderstandings about Christianity:
- Whether Christians believe in 3 gods
- Whether Jesus is God's physical son
- Whether the Bible has been changed

More than a Carpenter
Pashto - Pakistan
- Apologetic book
- Jesus' life and work
- The Christian faith in general

My Heart: Christ's Home
- Spiritually challenging meditation on Christian discipleship
- Imagining Jesus in the different rooms of our house

Of Whom the World was Not Worthy
- Discusses persecution in the early church
- Designed to encourage believers in the midst of opposition

Outside White Inside Black
Pashto - Pakistan
- Lazy servant gets into trouble for only working when his master was watching
- We need to repent and live honestly before God

Pilgrim's Progress
Pashto - Pakistan
- Translation of the 1672 Christian classic
- Prepared for a modern audience
- No illustrations

Dari, English
- Dari / English booklet
- Asks questions about sacrifice
- Looks at Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection

Pashto - Pakistan
- Asks questions about sacrifice
- Looks at Jesus' birth, life, death and resurrection

Stories from the Injil (New Testament)
English, Dari, Glassman
- Dari script, Dari Glassman phonetics, English translation
- Selection of gospel stories
- For children of all ages and parents

Stories from the Prophets (Old Testament)
English, Dari, Glassman
- Dari script, Dari Glassman phonetics, English translation
- Stories from the Torah and Prophets
- For children of all ages and parents

Ten Commandments of Moses
Pashto - Pakistan
- The purpose of the law is to reveal sin
- Relationship between law and grace
- 10 commandments briefly explained
- Jesus Christ takes away the world's sin

Ten Commandments of Moses
- The purpose of the law is to reveal sin
- Relationship between law and grace
- 10 commandments briefly explained
- Jesus Christ takes away the world's sin

The Helper
Pashto - Pakistan
- Poem about the work of the Holy Spirit in a person's life
- He reveals wonderful things about God
- Sensitive and culturally appropriate

True Forgiveness
- Bible story from John's Gospel of the woman caught in adultery
- Questions and answers about Jesus
- Jesus is the only sinless prophet

True Love
Pashto - Pakistan
- Story of two brothers
- Older takes penalty for the younger
- Younger is transformed by this love
- Comparison to Christ

True Teaching
Pashto - Pakistan
- The Beatitudes from Matthew
- Same text as Pashto New Testament
- Ends with an encouragement to read the full Book of Matthew

Unique Subjects
Pashto - Pakistan
- Scriptural studies
- Outlines of major doctrines
- A quick reference tool
- Well written

War Is My Heritage
- Memoirs of a young Dutchman whose father was executed by the Nazis
- He found Christ's peace & forgiveness
- He became involved in reconciliation

Way of Everlasting Salvation
- Clear guide to salvation
- Simple steps with Scriptures and explanations
- Ends with a prayer for salvation

Way of Salvation
Pashto - Pakistan
- Creation, sin and God's condemnation
- God's love and the coming of Christ
- Salvation through Christ

Way of Salvation (Bridge to Life)
- Gap between man and God
- Cross of Christ is the only bridge
- Diagrams and Scripture verses
- Invitation to make a decision

We Hear from the Prophets
Pashto - Afghanistan
- Lessons on 8 prophets
- Specific teaching on the life of each
- Jesus is the way and the truth

We Hear from the Prophets
- Lessons on 8 prophets
- Specific teaching on the life of each
- Jesus is the way and the truth

What is Christianity?
Pashto - Pakistan
- Sensitive presentation and overview of Christian faith and practice
- Ideal introduction for seekers
- Recommended by local Christians

What is Christianity?
Pashto - Afghanistan
- Sensitive presentation and overview of Christian faith and practice
- Ideal introduction for seekers
- Recommended by Afghan Christians.

What is Christianity?
- Sensitive presentation and overview of Christian faith and practice
- Ideal introduction for Afghan seekers
- Recommended by Afghan Christians

What is Sacrifice?
- Why sacrifice is necessary
- Jesus the Lamb of God became the final sacrifice for us all
- Ends with a prayer

Where Shall I Go with this Heavy Load?
- Covering, hiding, flaunting and enjoying sin doesn't work
- Cartoon sketches depict sin's burden
- Need to confess and believe in Christ

Who Else Could?
Pashto - Pakistan
- Only Jesus could...
- Raise the dead and walk on water
- Make the deaf hear and the blind see
- Rise from the dead and give us new life

Who Else Could?
- Only Jesus could...
- Raise the dead and walk on water
- Make the deaf hear and the blind see
- Rise from the dead and give us new life

Word of Truth
Pashto - Pakistan
- Clear step-by-step salvation message
- World was made by the Word of God
- Sin brings death and only Christ can save us

You Matter
- Retelling of the Prodigal Son parable
- Scripture references about God's love
- Invitation to know God through Jesus
- Cartoon illustrations

You Matter
Pashto - Pakistan
- Retelling of the Prodigal Son parable
- Scripture references about God's love
- Invitation to know God through Jesus
- Cartoon illustrations

Your New Life (PK)
Pashto - Pakistan
- Written for believers
- General information about Christian beliefs and practices

YousafZai Pashto Bible Deluxe - Pakistani Dialect
Pashto - Pakistan
- Deluxe presentation edition
- Gilded-edged pages

YousafZai Pashto Bible - Pakistani Dialect
Pashto - Pakistan
- Beautiful cover design
- Including concordance, 2 ribbons
- Hardcover 122mm x 183 mm

YousafZai Pashto Holy Torah - Pakistani Dialect
Pashto - Pakistan
- YousafZai Pashto
- Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy
- Blue cover with gold writing

YousafZai Pashto New Testament - Pakistani Dialect
Pashto - Pakistan
- NEW February 2022
- Revised translation from 1996 NT
- Text as 2020 printed full Bible
- Card cover 120x180 mm

YousafZai Pashto Proverbs - Pakistani Dialect
Pashto - Pakistan
- The Book of Proverbs
- YousafZai Pashto
- Great for Pashtuns as they love poetry
- Red cover with gold writing

YousafZai Pashto Psalms - Pakistani Dialect
Pashto - Pakistan
- The Psalms of David
- Yousafzai Pashto
- Recently translated, good introductions
- Dark green cover with gold writing